Go Global at GT

Quote: Overall, this series has been very insightful in reframing my perspective on culture and how it shapes and defines interactions at every level.

What is it?

The ICEBERG intercultural learning series is a 3-part program for undergraduate students at GT. Through the program, students learn how culture can impact thoughts and behavior; build community with other students; develop skills to recognize cultural differences where it may not be obvious; and gain self-awareness, empathy, and adaptability. All of these skills and experiences help students navigate personal and professional challenges at GT, abroad, and in their future careers. The information presented in this workshop can also help students prepare to work in multinational companies, study/intern abroad, design for international and multicultural markets, and better understand end user behavior among different populations.


ICEBERG is open to any GT undergraduate student. Faculty and staff interested in learning more about ICEBERG should contact Ashlee Toomey-Flinn. For more intercultural learning opportunities hosted through the Office of International Education, please contact Ashlee Toomey-Flinn.

Time Commitment

ICEBERG requires students to meet for the 3-part program (2 hour sessions) in an in-person environment. Students will also be placed in teams and we ask them to meet for about 1 hour between sessions (virtually or in-person) to complete small group activities.


GT undergraduates interested in participating in the ICEBERG intercultural learning series should complete registration form to register for the Fall 2024 series by Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

Session 1: Culture & Self-Awareness

Thursday, September 5
5:30 PM  - 7:30 PM
Exhibition Hall: Sweet Auburn Room

•    Identify different aspects of culture

•    Express self-awareness of personal and cultural assumptions

•    Recognize the role of perception in intercultural interactions and misunderstandings

Session 2: Perception & Values

Thursday, September 19
5:30 PM  - 7:30 PM
Exhibition Hall: Sweet Auburn Room

•    Understand the perspective of someone who is different from them

•    Express self-awareness of cultural values 

•    Navigate cultural differences, biases, prejudices, and stereotypes

Session 3: The Culture Map

Thursday, October 3
5:30 PM  - 7:30 PM
Exhibition Hall: Sweet Auburn Room

•    Recognize the meaning of the Culture Map scales, a cultural orientation framework 

•    Examine personal cultural orientation

•    Compare cultural orientations between different countries using the Culture Map scales

•    Apply the Culture Map to a case study scenario

•    Develop communication and teamwork skills

GT Blockcert

Example GT Blockcert

How to Register

GT undergraduates interested in participating in the ICEBERG intercultural learning series should complete registration form to register for the Fall 2024 series by September , 2024.

Go Further

Continue internationalizing your education at Georgia Tech!  Over half of Georgia Tech undergraduates will have a significant international experience before graduation by studying or interning abroad.  Many students go abroad more than once as part of the International Plan.  In addition to the Office of International Education’s overseas offerings, Georgia Tech has many ways for you pursue your international interests on campus through our globally-focused academic minors, certificate programs, and research initiatives. 

Stay Connected

Questions? Contact intercultural@oie.gatech.edu

I already use [what I learned in ICEBERG] regularly when interacting with people in my life, and I know this will continue as our world becomes more closely interconnected. I will inevitably be interacting cross-culturally in my career, and I am a more effective communicator...as a result of ICEBERG.

- ICEBERG Participant, Spring 2021

This session brought to light how we perceive things as a society and how our intentions may be looked as another thing in certain countries. The activity we did within this session helped my understanding of how we can have differences but have the same intentions. Although this particular assignment did stump our group, we had a great discussion about we can connect different cultures while respecting each other's differences.

- ICEBERG Participant

Before ICEBERG I had rarely taken the time to really look at other people's actions through a different cultural lens than my own, and [in this session] I learned how important it is to not cloud my judgement of other's actions with my own cultural experiences.

- ICEBERG Participant

It is hard to remove your own cultural bias when evaluating people from other cultures and that was definitely the case for me when looking at some of these pictures without context. It helped reframe my perspective by reminding me that not everything is always as it looks and we as outsiders can't judge people unless we have the full story. Often, what these people are doing seems very different to us, but when we hear the explanation, we often go 'Oh, that makes sense' and so this activity helped me to be less judgmental of things in other cultures I don't understand.

- ICEBERG Participant